
The Last Waltz

I have a yearly tradition of watching The Last Waltz right before Thanksgiving

The Band held a farewell concert in San Francisco on Thanksgiving Day November 25, 1976

Martin Scorsese filmed the concert along with interviews of The Band which became the documentary 

The Last Waltz

They served a seated Thanksgiving dinner before the concert.  Scorsese used famed 
set designer Boris Leven.  Leven used very formal drapes and huge crystal chandeliers to set the stage.  I love how the band members are all in suits and very dressed up at the start of the show and as the concert progresses they start to take jackets off and you start to physically see what it takes to perform on stage for hours.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!


Happy Weekend!

This room reminds me of one of our clients - it is bright, cheery and very cool

you just look at it and it makes you….




A Little Inspiration

Happy Weekend!




Inspiration of the Week

Here it is…..a beautiful penthouse by
Michael Smith in Chicago




I am always apologizing for my infrequent blog posts and I am going to stop apologizing.  We are going to be posting as we can- with fabulous finds, sneak peeks and inspiration.  We will also be launching a site where you can purchase some of our favorite pieces for yourself!

Please check back and know that if you have not heard from us it is ONLY because we are creating a unique space for one of our amazing clients or working on something for you!

Have a fabulous Week!